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A short update. I am a little drunk. I'm deleting the work on the front page, for now. I want to write an essay about a piece of media I have been watching. I believe it has a lot to say about the human spirit, duality, that sort of thing, or at least my interpretation of it does anyway. It's probably a little cringy to analyze a piece of media like it so seriously, but I don't mind. I hope you're all doing well, a lot of my friends in real life have had it hard these past few weeks. I'm worried about them, and I'm mad I can't help in a way that fixes the issue. But you're all people too, I don't need to explain what this feels like to you. I've started telling people I love them a lot more liberally too, I don't know why it's seen to hold so much weight in western society, or English-speaking society at least. It's almost taboo, and it's a shame. Maybe I see it a little differently because I'm asexual, but I do feel people feel uncomfortable about the word love for other reasons. I love you, and I hope you're doing well, whoever's reading this. I've actually only came back to make a note about a song I've been listening to, I want to write an essay on it too, it's not the media previously mentioned, but it's bloody interesting.